Thursday, July 30, 2009

Furious World backstage subscribers visit the backstage site today to see new video's and content! Thanks for your support! @furiousworld, @peterhimmelman, phfw
We've got some exciting guests lined up for upcoming episodes of Furious World. Stay tuned... Tues. 7pm PST. @furiousworld, @peterhimmelman, phfw

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thoughts after Ep. #39

We had a great time producing the show tonight. There were seven people in the studio audience- hard to fit them all in, but the band reacts well to the presence, and 'steps it up a notch' when there's physically an audience. The virtual world has yet to recreate the physical sense of performing for a live audience!

It was also nice to see Marc's dad, as well as his wife & daughter (who didn't stay for the show- too loud for the baby). Our studio audience tends to be close friends and family of the Furious World team, and it's wonderful to be able to share the experience with them!

We're also getting to know our internet audience better- we're getting your emails, your tweets, your phone calls, and we're learning from you and about you. Slowly, our community is growing, but not in the sense that a garden grows. Our community is more like the neurons of a brain, learning and establishing new pathways of information, sending & receiving signals down those pathways that- eventually- will echo back to our sonar from a new path.

Either we'll run out of money and have to turn off the lights, or our community synaptic network will start to resonate in a way that will change the human experience. Either way, we're playing for keeps.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Will the real Robert Kenner please stand up...

Marc and I were just calling our guest for tomorrow night. We normally schedule a skype test call with our guests a day or two before the show, just to make sure everything works on their end.
So, today we get on skype and call Robert. After a few minutes of awkward conversation, we realize that the older gentleman on the other end isn’t very familiar with computers, and speaks with a slight drawl more reminiscent of rural Texas than urban Los Angeles. A few questions later- “You know why we called you, right? For the show tomorrow?” and we learned the truth- we called the wrong Robert Kenner.
Well, he was a really nice guy, seemed to enjoy the conversation, and we let him know about our show. He’s going to watch it tomorrow night- in fact, we might even call him back during the show!
What are the chances of calling the wrong Robert Kenner, who happens to have skype, be online at right time on the right day, and be willing to answer the call? Even in this hyper-connected, computer-controlled digital age, it’s refreshing to know we can dial the wrong number- and meet a friendly person.
Check out the new promo video for Furious World: @furiousworld, @peterhimmelman
Only one more day until the director of the hit film, Food, Inc will be on Furious World! @furiousworld, @peterhimmelman, @takepart, phfw

Friday, July 24, 2009

Excited about our Furious World guest this Tuesday! Director of the hit film, Food, Inc. will be joining us! 7pm PST

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New video's up on the backstage Furious World site. Check em out!
Peter Himmelman's Furious World - New Promo Video! Check it out and pass it on...
See what everyone is talking about! Please share... @furiousworld, @peterhimmelman

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

We're recording backstage now. All @furiousworld subscribers check it out!
New blog updates to @peterhimmelman and @furiousworld. Visit: