Monday, January 12, 2009

Tomorrow's guests

Ok- this week we have some great guests lined up to be on the show.  Let me tell you a little bit about them...

Rebecca Pidgeon is a talented actress/singer/songwriter with a distinctive, wistful voice and five successful albums.  Her screen credits include the popular action shows such as "The Unit" and "The Shield", but she's also been in films such as "Shopgirl" and the David Mamet thriller "Heist".  Rebecca's a graduate of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, and was raised in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Laura Bialis is a film maker from the Los Angeles area, currently living in Sederot, Israel- next to the Gaza strip, which is routinely a target of rocket attacks.  More specifically, she's an award-winning documentary film maker, and is a graduate of both Stanford and USC.  Laura's films focus on the modern Jewish experience in Europe and Israel- part of why she's living there now.  She's completing a documentary about the life of local musicians, who grow and work while under constant bombardment.  We'll be talking to her via Skype, and hope to hear from her during a safe moment.

Also for the show, Peter's finishing up a new 'Turtle Talk' video about Identity, and we've got a few surprises planned as well.  Of course, as with any 'passionately ordered chaos', sometimes surprises happen anyways... so check us out tomorrow night at 7pm PST, and see what happens!


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