Wednesday, June 24, 2009

from Richard Abramowitz

Richard Abramowitz was a recent, although unfortunately brief, guest on our show. He had these words to say about his experience:
“My affection and respect for Peter, not my lust for self-promotion, kept me up past my bedtime to appear on the Furious World a few weeks ago. My spot was sabotaged, though, as I had to follow Scott Z. Burns, part of the Minneapolis Arts Mafia, who wrote The Bourne Ultimatum, created the “Got Milk?” campaign, saved his father’s life by donating a vital organ and, presumably, arrived at the studio wearing a cape and a skin-tight outfit with an “S” on the front. Based on the weekly talent level on the show, the odds were good that I, barely mortal on a good day, would come after someone with super-human gifts, so I shouldn’t have been surprised.”

“Invite me back and I’ll show you some of the cool stuff I have laying around the office: comic books, baseball memorabilia, religious artifacts… And maybe we can talk a little about movies, as well.”

Richard, thanks again for being our guest- I’m sure we can have you on for a little bit longer next time!


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