Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Two Years of French Class!

Peggy Orenstein was one of our special guests on the June 9th episode of the show. She had this to say about her experience:
“I felt this sense of time bending being on Peter’s show. We went to high school together and were in the same writing classes, where he intimidated the hell out of me. But I think the last time I actually saw him was when he played a gig in the West Village in New York in the 1980s. So it’s been awhile. His voice (talking and singing) is so distinctive, though, I felt while he was talking like I was both in St. Louis Park in 1975–with Peter and his friend Jim (whom I remember as a guy with feathered hair and a red sports car who always had good concert tickets) and drummer Andy Kamman (who didn’t bloody remember me, even though we sat across from each other in French class for two years)–and doing the Skype thing in 2009.”
“Pete asked me to be on because I’m a writer, and he thought maybe I could talk about my books or the columns I write for the New York Times Magazine. But when it came down to it, I really just wanted to have a conversation with someone who’d understand it about how you get up and do this kind of work every day.”
“To be honest, I’m still a little intimidated by Peter, and still admire his indomitable creativity. I love Furious World, though, and loved being on it. It’s like an in-joke shared with everyone who wants in, which is really nice. I’m up for doing it again any time.”
~Peggy Orenstein


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