Monday, September 21, 2009

Blog title...

Tomorrow's guest- Sandra Tsing Loh! She's a talented writer/performer, with a number successful books and solo shows. You may have heard her on NPR; she's a frequent contributor and has her own segments "The Loh Down On Science" and "The Loh Life".
Tomorrow's guest- Sandra Tsing Loh! She's a talented writer/performer, with a number successful books and solo shows. You may have heard her on NPR; she's a frequent contributor and has her own segments "The Loh Down On Science" and "The Loh Life".
Tomorrow's guest- Sandra Tsing Loh! She's a talented writer/performer, with a number successful books and solo shows. You may have heard her on NPR; she's a frequent contributor and has her own segments "The Loh Down On Science" and "The Loh Life".

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our guest this week is Larry Klein, bassist and producer- he’s worked with big names such as Herbie Hancock, Joni Mitchell, Norah Jones, Leonard Cohen, Bobby McFerrin, Neil Diamond and previous Furious guest Rebecca Pidgeon.

Larry started his career touring with jazz and Latin groups while a college student; he then moved into recording sessions, playing bass and collaborating with groundbreaking rock musicians.

Following very successful collaborations with Joni Mitchel, Larry became known as a a simpatico producer of female singer-songwriters.

Upcoming projects include another album with Herbie Hancock! Klein recently signed a label deal with Verve Records; he and his wife Luciana Souza have a son named Noah.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What a great show last night! If you missed it you can watch the rerun at: @peterhimmelman, @furiousworld, phfw

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

30 minutes until Furious World goes live with boxer/actor Michael Bentt. 7pm PST @furiouworld, @peterhimmelman, phfw

Don't miss tonight's show with former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Michael Bentt. Live on the Furious World!

Join us tonight 7pm PST on the Furious World Live as we welcome special guest, actor and former WBO World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Michael Bentt. Michael has worked with Will Smith in the blockbuster film Ali, Johnny Depp in Public Enemies, Tom Cruise in Collateral and Morgan Freeman in Million Dollar Baby.
Also, look out for Peter's bout with pure cowardice on Phantoms of the 405, a brand new Turtle Talk, the signature guitar stylings of Reverend Gary Davis, and plenty of live rock and roll from Peter and the band... Herman Matthews on drums, Mark Gorman on bass, Jen Leigh on guitar, and Kristin Mooney on vocals. It's a show you won't want to miss.
"One viewing of the Furious World will be enough to hook you". -AC News
Click here to take a 5 minute peek at the show.

Monday, August 3, 2009

World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Michael Bentt will be our special guest on Furious World tomorrow! Tues 7pm PST. @furiousworld, @peterhimmelman, phfw

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Furious World backstage subscribers visit the backstage site today to see new video's and content! Thanks for your support! @furiousworld, @peterhimmelman, phfw
We've got some exciting guests lined up for upcoming episodes of Furious World. Stay tuned... Tues. 7pm PST. @furiousworld, @peterhimmelman, phfw

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thoughts after Ep. #39

We had a great time producing the show tonight. There were seven people in the studio audience- hard to fit them all in, but the band reacts well to the presence, and 'steps it up a notch' when there's physically an audience. The virtual world has yet to recreate the physical sense of performing for a live audience!

It was also nice to see Marc's dad, as well as his wife & daughter (who didn't stay for the show- too loud for the baby). Our studio audience tends to be close friends and family of the Furious World team, and it's wonderful to be able to share the experience with them!

We're also getting to know our internet audience better- we're getting your emails, your tweets, your phone calls, and we're learning from you and about you. Slowly, our community is growing, but not in the sense that a garden grows. Our community is more like the neurons of a brain, learning and establishing new pathways of information, sending & receiving signals down those pathways that- eventually- will echo back to our sonar from a new path.

Either we'll run out of money and have to turn off the lights, or our community synaptic network will start to resonate in a way that will change the human experience. Either way, we're playing for keeps.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Will the real Robert Kenner please stand up...

Marc and I were just calling our guest for tomorrow night. We normally schedule a skype test call with our guests a day or two before the show, just to make sure everything works on their end.
So, today we get on skype and call Robert. After a few minutes of awkward conversation, we realize that the older gentleman on the other end isn’t very familiar with computers, and speaks with a slight drawl more reminiscent of rural Texas than urban Los Angeles. A few questions later- “You know why we called you, right? For the show tomorrow?” and we learned the truth- we called the wrong Robert Kenner.
Well, he was a really nice guy, seemed to enjoy the conversation, and we let him know about our show. He’s going to watch it tomorrow night- in fact, we might even call him back during the show!
What are the chances of calling the wrong Robert Kenner, who happens to have skype, be online at right time on the right day, and be willing to answer the call? Even in this hyper-connected, computer-controlled digital age, it’s refreshing to know we can dial the wrong number- and meet a friendly person.
Check out the new promo video for Furious World: @furiousworld, @peterhimmelman
Only one more day until the director of the hit film, Food, Inc will be on Furious World! @furiousworld, @peterhimmelman, @takepart, phfw

Friday, July 24, 2009

Excited about our Furious World guest this Tuesday! Director of the hit film, Food, Inc. will be joining us! 7pm PST

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New video's up on the backstage Furious World site. Check em out!
Peter Himmelman's Furious World - New Promo Video! Check it out and pass it on...
See what everyone is talking about! Please share... @furiousworld, @peterhimmelman

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

We're recording backstage now. All @furiousworld subscribers check it out!
New blog updates to @peterhimmelman and @furiousworld. Visit:

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

30 minutes 'til we go live... have you shared our show with a friend? I think they'll like it! 7pm PST phfw
Will be broadcasting before and after the show tonight on the Backstage site! Members check it out.
furiousworld adding finishing touches to the album cover for @peterhimmelman's lost-and-forgotten album, now available ONLY to $10/mo subscribers...

Two Years of French Class!

Peggy Orenstein was one of our special guests on the June 9th episode of the show. She had this to say about her experience:
“I felt this sense of time bending being on Peter’s show. We went to high school together and were in the same writing classes, where he intimidated the hell out of me. But I think the last time I actually saw him was when he played a gig in the West Village in New York in the 1980s. So it’s been awhile. His voice (talking and singing) is so distinctive, though, I felt while he was talking like I was both in St. Louis Park in 1975–with Peter and his friend Jim (whom I remember as a guy with feathered hair and a red sports car who always had good concert tickets) and drummer Andy Kamman (who didn’t bloody remember me, even though we sat across from each other in French class for two years)–and doing the Skype thing in 2009.”
“Pete asked me to be on because I’m a writer, and he thought maybe I could talk about my books or the columns I write for the New York Times Magazine. But when it came down to it, I really just wanted to have a conversation with someone who’d understand it about how you get up and do this kind of work every day.”
“To be honest, I’m still a little intimidated by Peter, and still admire his indomitable creativity. I love Furious World, though, and loved being on it. It’s like an in-joke shared with everyone who wants in, which is really nice. I’m up for doing it again any time.”
~Peggy Orenstein
former guest Peggy Orenstein blogs about her experience on the show-
Getting ready for another great Furious World show tonight. Watch it live at 7pm PST -
Come Join Peter and the band on the Furious World Live tonight at 7pm PST at as they welcome Airman Ben Silver.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Setting up to broadcast a full band rehearsal! Backstage subscribers check it out.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

brand new music video made by Peter Himmelman this morning - featuring "Raining Down From Satellite" on his upcoming album "The Mystery & The Hum"

from Richard Abramowitz

Richard Abramowitz was a recent, although unfortunately brief, guest on our show. He had these words to say about his experience:
“My affection and respect for Peter, not my lust for self-promotion, kept me up past my bedtime to appear on the Furious World a few weeks ago. My spot was sabotaged, though, as I had to follow Scott Z. Burns, part of the Minneapolis Arts Mafia, who wrote The Bourne Ultimatum, created the “Got Milk?” campaign, saved his father’s life by donating a vital organ and, presumably, arrived at the studio wearing a cape and a skin-tight outfit with an “S” on the front. Based on the weekly talent level on the show, the odds were good that I, barely mortal on a good day, would come after someone with super-human gifts, so I shouldn’t have been surprised.”

“Invite me back and I’ll show you some of the cool stuff I have laying around the office: comic books, baseball memorabilia, religious artifacts… And maybe we can talk a little about movies, as well.”

Richard, thanks again for being our guest- I’m sure we can have you on for a little bit longer next time!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Furious World Backstage Pass is now broadcasting Live!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Robert Scoble on the Furious World tomorrow night! LIVE at 7pm PST

Friday, June 19, 2009

Streaming LIVE from our backstage site now! Watch Peter and Jimi Englund write and record new music.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Working for PH

Working for Peter Himmelman is always interesting. I never know what to expect!

I guess my interview with Peter should have been a clue; he had Marc get out a camera and record it. But I was too excited to get what I thought was a normal internship with a normal musician and a great place to start out in the business.

It wasn't until the day that Peter asked me if he could check the oil in my car that I finally realized this wasn't going to be a normal internship. Of course, this was after he had just asked me to go pick up some Kale for his pet tortoise, and to paint the studio a different color.

Now, when Peter asks me to help move his furniture around, or to go buy a wig, I just put it on my list of things to do (under 'fix the telephone' and 'sell his car') and get to it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Peter Himmelman's Furious World LIVE - Hi Karate

I want to welcome you to our "real-time" blog of Furious World. I'm Michael Sean Wright from nicefishfilms Director of Furious World.

Thank you for joining the show live - enter the Ustream Channel here

Twitter your song requests by including song title, @peterhimmelman and -"Peter Himmelman's Furious World"

Enjoy the live blog co hosted by the great Ellen Berman

Furious World - Manners + Leo Laporte

What an amazing night. Enjoy the replay and please visit Leo Laporte

Tonight on Furious World - Chris Pirillo Special Guest

This week we are so excited to have Chris Pirillo on our show! He will be discussing everything tech. We will also have author Sharon Waxman on set. Be sure to check it out at 7pm PST!


Monday, January 12, 2009

Tomorrow's guests

Ok- this week we have some great guests lined up to be on the show.  Let me tell you a little bit about them...

Rebecca Pidgeon is a talented actress/singer/songwriter with a distinctive, wistful voice and five successful albums.  Her screen credits include the popular action shows such as "The Unit" and "The Shield", but she's also been in films such as "Shopgirl" and the David Mamet thriller "Heist".  Rebecca's a graduate of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, and was raised in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Laura Bialis is a film maker from the Los Angeles area, currently living in Sederot, Israel- next to the Gaza strip, which is routinely a target of rocket attacks.  More specifically, she's an award-winning documentary film maker, and is a graduate of both Stanford and USC.  Laura's films focus on the modern Jewish experience in Europe and Israel- part of why she's living there now.  She's completing a documentary about the life of local musicians, who grow and work while under constant bombardment.  We'll be talking to her via Skype, and hope to hear from her during a safe moment.

Also for the show, Peter's finishing up a new 'Turtle Talk' video about Identity, and we've got a few surprises planned as well.  Of course, as with any 'passionately ordered chaos', sometimes surprises happen anyways... so check us out tomorrow night at 7pm PST, and see what happens!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The show, 1/6/09

We had a great experience at the show this week! Our guests- Barbara Hall and Troy Richardson- really enjoyed themselves as well, and that meant a lot to Peter. Everyone was happy that Andy came back; he's been playing with the group a long time, and having him back meant more than just good music!

Isaac had a nice time too- he's young and talented, and brought his unique sound to the show. We also had some great phone calls, and found some nice messages in our email box. Those are important- this is an interactive show, and we want you to connect with us!

We're cookin' up some fun things for the future- the show is gaining momentum and popularity, and that only encourages us to do better. No other musician of Peter's stature is doing anything like this, and we're starting to turn heads. So, stay tuned for next week!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Show tomorrow!

Alright- tomorrow's the first show of the year, and it promises to be good!  The guest is Barbara Hall; she's a writer/singer/producer who's credits include the shows "Judging Amy" and "Joan of Arcadia"; her 9th (!) book, "Tempo Change", is coming out in June.  She's also bringing along Troy Richardson to play bass with the band.

Also, Isaac Himmelman will be performing, and Andy's back on drums.  I'll be screening calls, too- just make sure you have something to add to the show, like questions for the guests, or a song request.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Peter Himmelman's "Furious World"!

After a nice break, we're starting to put things back in motion... Peter's been working on a few new videos, and lining up some very interesting guests for show. Marc got a set of lights to use permanently, and has been working on the website as well.

I just got back from out-of-town, and have been catching up on CD mailings. When you go to, say, and purchase "My Green Kite" for your kids, or one of the Himmelvaults, it's usually my job to package your CD and take it to the post office. I don't mind it that much- it's fun to see where all the CDs are going.